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My oldest affectionately (I hope!!) named me that, and I figured it was only appropriate - for both me...and this blog ;o)

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Monday, August 4, 2008

Back to school

It's a bittersweet time of year - back to school time. There is excitement since summer has grown increasingly boring (thanks to staying home because of high gas prices), and the kids are missing their friends. We don't live in a neighborhood with many children, so the 3 have had to be playmates with each other - a lot more than they care to. There's the excitement of school supplies and new clothes...and seeing how everyone has changed over the summer.

But, then there is the part of having to go to bed early, and even worse, having to wake up early. This one concerns me, as Kaylee is still sleeping as I type, and it's 1:25 pm!!! There is homework and strict schedules. And finally, there is the fact that I will miss my kids being home all day with me.

But, alas, we will all adjust, and this year will fly by - giving me the harsh but realistic reminder that my kids will be gone before I know it. I will savor this next week, because they will never be 9, 11, and 13 again.